
The gentlebirth.org website is provided courtesy of
Ronnie Falcao, LM MS, a homebirth midwife in Mountain View, CA


Ingredients in Polly-Jean Five-Week Antenatal Formula

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* "We have found the Polly-Jean Formula--an herbal combination that gravidas begin taking five weeks prior to anticipated date of delivery--to be a boon to the home birth movement. It assists in the following ways:

As with all herbal preparations, this should be undertaken with supervision.

The Polly-Jean Five-Week Antenatal Formula contains the following herbs:               

My reference: The New Holistic Herbal by David Hoffman, with occasional reference to Hygeia: A Woman's Herbal by Jeannine Parvati Baker.

Squaw vine herb: Used by Native Americans and "among the best remedies for preparing the uterus and whole body for child birth". Recommended for use during the some weeks before one's EDD. Also useful in the relief of painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea). When used in preparations for labor, combine with raspberry leaf.

Holy Thistle (also known as Blessed thistle): A digestive acid which "increased gastric and bile secretions". Its use in pregnant women can be traced to its "benefit in...dyspepsia and indigestion... [with] a role in any disease of the digestive system which is accompanied by wind and colic". Contrary to what I said earlier, it is not a demulcent.

False Unicorn root: Another native American herb and "one of the best tonics and strengtheners of the reproductive system that we have". Normalizes hormone function, can be used to prevent threatened miscarriage, and ease morning sickness vomiting.

Wild Ginger:Warming, stimulating.

Wild Yam: Anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, hepatic, cholagogue, diaphoretic.

Blue Cohosh: Emmenagogue - promotes uterine contractions.

Red Raspberry Leaf: Used to strengthen and tone the uterus, thereby easing labor and preventing hemorrhage. This herb should be taken regularly during pregnancy and esp. during labor.

Motherwort: Nervine, emmenagogue, anti-spasmodic, hepatic, cardiac tonic, hypotensive.

Lobelia Inflata herb - This anti-spasmodic is ideal for relaxing the uterine muscles that keep the cervix rigid.  From King's American Dispensatory:  "The powerfully relaxant properties of lobelia render it a very efficient agent in several conditions, whose chief feature is the spasmodic element. . . .  Lobelia is of value in obstetrical practice. It powerfully subdues muscular rigidity. It is the remedy to overcome a rigid os uteri during parturition, and at the same time it relaxes the perineal tissues."

Bayberry Root Bark: Astringent, circulatory stimulant, diaphoretic.

This Web page is referenced from another page containing related information about Herbs


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